




诺贝尔石油服务(英国)有限公司集团公司和“内联集团”, 俄罗斯领先的解决方案提供商之一, 在阿塞拜疆启动了基于SAP AG解决方案的全面ERP实施项目.

Nobel Oil’s efforts to introduce a single integrated business system based on SAP ERP aims to standardise the Group’s business processes, 从而加强其各企业和子公司之间的连贯性和一致性. The SAP’s innovative solutions will also significantly simplify the process of preparation and submission of regular and compulsory business reporting by creating a unified database to reflect the most accurate and up-to-date information.

除了, 通过引入单一的自动化文件信息管理系统, Nobel Oil expects to achieve considerable increase of efficiency in document preparation process and document turnover in general, 以及提高所使用信息的准确性和相关性. This advancement will allow Nobel Oil to improve the efficiency and transparency at every phase of our operational, 供应链, 金融, 人力资源和管理流程.

作为初始计划的一部分, 200多名员工, 包括公司高层管理人员, 期望在全公司范围内使用新的ERP系统.

迈克尔绞, 诺贝尔石油服务(英国)有限公司首席执行官, 他表示希望该系统的引入成为公司进一步发展的重要一步. ‘We’re constantly trying to increase efficiency and cut down on redundant bureaucracy in order to optimise our business process. Introduction of SAP solutions will also help us immensely in terms of achieving a better coordination and cohesion between various companies within our group’, 他说.

“我们感谢合作伙伴对我们在sap相关产品和项目方面的经验的认可和信心。”, 阿列克谢·罗马什金说, “内联集团”首席执行官. “我们的专家和顾问在提供解决方案方面积累了丰富的专业知识和经验. 与诺贝尔石油公司的合作应该成为我们的又一个成功案例, 从而加强我们在区域市场的地位。.