




诺贝尔石油服务公司致力于在其所有业务往来中遵守最高的企业行为标准. 它保持有效的道德规范和合规计划,以满足外部要求, 公司的核心价值观是:诚信, 质量, 安全, 一个团队, 和卓越. Our code of business conduct includes key requirements from our corporate policies and sets expectations and framework for ethical and compliant behavior by those who work for Nobel Oil Services or on behalf of the company.     

在这个框架内, Nobel Oil Services established new corporate-wide Vendor Validation Procedure (VVP) to promote compliance and transparency in the selection of suppliers.  

诺贝尔石油服务公司坚持严格的道德要求,并期望其供应商也这样做. 在采购和供应链部门成立, VVP旨在确保其供应商的合规性.

VVP涉及供应商的注册和尽职调查过程的执行. To be entered into the master list the supplier has to comply with Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) and Anti-Money Laundry (AML) policies. With the implementation of VVP Nobel Oil Services sets zero tolerance to non-compliance to ensure access to 可靠的 suppliers and manufacturers capable to meet requirements for safety, 质量, 数量, 完整性, 和交付.  

Ethical business practices positively impact position of Nobel Oil Services in the marketplace and make relationships with the Company valuable for its partners. For mutual benefit Nobel Oil Services aims to further improve VVP based on the requirements of local and international law.