




最近, Glensol, 与ENRX(前身为EFD)合作, 一家全球性的绿色科技公司, 为其客户举办了技术开放日活动, 在格伦索尔的一站式车间.  

为期两天的活动旨在庆祝Glensol和ENRX之间的新合作伙伴关系, as well as to present ENRX branded technology – the Induction Heating systems (heating solutions) – broadly used in offshore applications.

Anar Orujov, Deputy General Director of Glensol in his opening remarks said: “Entering 合作伙伴关系 is a strategic decision for us. 在选择合作伙伴时, 我们优先考虑三个基本方面:能力, 可持续性, 以及当地能力的发展, 以最高质量交付我们承诺的关键因素. 

我们与ENRX的战略伙伴关系就是一个很好的例子.  ENRX with its decades of experience in induction heating and other green solutions helps us to provide our offshore maintenance service in a more safe, 具有成本效益的, 快速, 最重要的是可持续的方式. 

我们训练有素的工程师在危险区域使用感应加热设备, 明火不能使用的地方, 在几秒钟内立即应用和分配热量,轻松安全地去除金属部件. 最后, I want to take the opportunity to thank our partner company for all their support in training our local specialists to use this 先进的技术 efficiently, 对国有化战略的重要投入.”

斯科特·克莱夫·唐纳德, 业务拓展主管, ENRX said: “ENRX and Glensol will be working closely together to provide services to all clients within the Caspian Region. The trained engineers of Glensol and qualified engineers of ENRX can easily deliver the technical scopes that are vital for the industry, 包括收缩配件, 涂层去除, 以及焊前、焊后热处理(PWHT),直至螺栓拆除.

现在双方都在密切合作, it will provide a one stop service to clients brining even more 可持续性 to the business and the industry in a bigger scale. 从这个意义上说, the two-day event was a great success as it has given the customers the knowledge and seeing what value our services can bring to them and to the industry.”



成立于2012年, 作为皇冠体育app公司的现场操作和设备维护子公司, Glensol一直是值得信赖的供应商,为本地和国际石油和天然气公司提供旋转设备, 包括涡轮机械服务和控制, 运营和维护服务- SOCAR, bp, 以及该地区和世界各地的其他主要能源公司.

进一步的信息: www.glensol.az